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Frontier Registry

Scientific IP & Data Provenance on-chain.
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Frontier Registry
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About Frontier Registry

Frontier Registry authenticates data provenance and certifies Intellectual Property - scientists, engineers, STEM & technical professionals and citizen scientists can publish their research for on-chain traceability, provenance and certification. Frontier Registry serves as a 'cloud copyright office' and provides Digital Direct Object Identifier certification. IP and research/data provenance is immutably authenticated on the blockchain. Frontier Registry is #OpenScience compliant. The dAp…

Frontier Registry Suggestions by Real Users

You can be the star to make this app better! Write a suggestion to the developers and let’s build together!

This is a good suggestions
20 Aug 2024

This looks cool thou as we patiently wait for the app to launch 🚀 this is a welcome development in the web 3 space Read More ››

Chimezie Okenwa avatarChimezie Okenwa620.00

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