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Instant crypto exchange service
  • User Score 4.22
  • Validation Score 3.9
  • Trust ScoreHigh
  • General No. 197
  • ExchangesNo. 16
LetsExchange.io Review
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About LetsExchange.io

A crypto exchange hub with 4,000+ cryptocurrencies, deep liquidity, cross-chain swaps, on- & off-ramp, DEX, swift and secure transactions.

LetsExchange is an innovative, non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange platform that has quickly gained prominence in the crypto community. Launched in 2021, LetsExchange provides a secure and user-friendly environment where users can exchange a wide array of cryptocurrencies without the need for registration or providing personal information. This platform caters to a broad spectrum of users, from beginners to seasoned traders, by offering an intuitive interface and supporting over 4,500 cryptocurrencies, including major coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and lesser-known altcoins.

The core mission of LetsExchange is to simplify the process of crypto trading while maintaining high levels of privacy and security. As a non-custodial platform, LetsExchange ensures that users retain full control over their funds at all times, mitigating the risks associated with centralized exchanges. The platform’s emphasis on privacy means that users can trade without KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures, thereby safeguarding their anonymity and reducing barriers to entry.

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LetsExchange.io Review Score by Real Users

4.22Out of 555 Total
  • 25
  • 20
  • 7
  • 3
  • 0
55 Total
My resent review
02 Sep 2024

internet victims should reach out to '' wiki help desks {@} g_ .-.m ail . c om '' they are available to help you it is very important to stay away from online crypto investment. Read More ››

mac willie avatarmac willie420.00
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23 Dec 2023

Well done team!It's great to hear that the application is considered ideal for making transfers and swaps with low fees. The simplicity and speed of the interface further enhance the user experience. If you have any more insights or if there's anything specific you'd like to share about the application, feel free to do so! Cross-chain swaps or the flexibility of a decentralized exchange are definitely very necessary! Every cryptan should be able to use this!Read More ››

todkras avatartodkras106245.44
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Not a standard exchange
04 Dec 2023

An interesting and non-standard approach to exchange, which is very different from other ones. How letsexchange works: You select the exchange pair and quantity, enter the receiving address, then send the funds to the deposit address without interacting with the platform. Not difficult, but unusual for me. letsexchange supports over 4000+ crypto assets.Read More ››

Ekaterina avatarEkaterina34173.10
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Easy and Secure Crypto Swaps
30 Nov 2023

I have been using LetsExchange.io for a few months now and I am very satisfied with their service. LetsExchange.io is an instant crypto-to-crypto exchange that allows you to swap over 210 coins without registration or KYC. You only need your own private wallet and you can enjoy the anonymity, privacy, and security of your funds. One of the best features of LetsExchange.io is their SmartRate technology, which selects the most profitable rate across multiple major exchange platforms for every swap. You can also choose between fixed and floating rates, depending on your preference and market conditions. The exchange process is transparent and fast, and you can request a receipt with full transaction details. The only downside of LetsExchange.io is that sometimes the lower limits are too high for some coins, which means you cannot swap smaller amounts. I hope they will lower the limits in the future to accommodate more users. Also, I have encountered some delays in receiving my coins due to network congestion, but their support team was very helpful and responsive in resolving the issues. Overall, I think LetsExchange.io is a great choice for anyone who wants to exchange crypto easily and securely. It has a simple and user-friendly interface, a wide range of coins, and a reliable and efficient service. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a hassle-free crypto exchange.Read More ››

AcE avatarAcE262448.00
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Lest exchange
16 Nov 2023

This is exchange service, free of registration. You can swaps many different coins on DEX. This is inyteresting service with good UX. Nice to see that projects.Read More ››

Ndayat89 avatarNdayat8916871.25
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14 Nov 2023

Let's exchange.io is an exchange site that provide multiple service. A lot of coin and tarding pair listed here .There have cross chain swap , DEX and many more service. Read More ››

Shakil ahmed avatarShakil ahmed34105.00
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14 Nov 2023

As a user, I find the project's concept unremarkable, as there are already numerous similar services available. Additionally, the product's interface did not appeal to me. Given the lack of innovation and my dissatisfaction with the interface, I currently rate the project three stars.Read More ››

snowden avatarsnowden19637.40
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LetsExchange good exchange platform
14 Nov 2023

LetsExchange is an exchange platform that blends DEX and CEX instant trading. The project supports More than 3,800 coins and 14.4 million trading pairs. Fast transaction and quite cheap cost. LetsExchange will be a good choice for tradersRead More ››

phuongdi avatarphuongdi19746.25
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LetsExchange.io Magic Store Trust Score

  • Security Validators Score
    • 07.11.2023Validation Date

LetsExchange.io User Trust Reviews

08 Nov 2023

Great app, very user friendly and usable, enjoyed using it, nice admins, promising community . very niceRead More ››

excesssalt avatarexcesssalt760.00
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LetsExchange.io FAQ

Unlike traditional exchanges, LetsExchange is a non-custodial platform, which means you maintain full control over your funds at all times. There’s no need to register or submit personal information, making it a highly private and secure way to trade over 4,500 cryptocurrencies. Additionally, LetsExchange offers a unique fixed-rate option to protect against market volatility during transactions.

LetsExchange uses advanced security protocols, including SSL encryption and DDoS protection, to secure transactions. As a non-custodial platform, it doesn’t store your funds, reducing the risk of hacks. Your funds remain in your wallet until you’re ready to trade, adding an extra layer of security.

Yes, one of the key features of LetsExchange is its focus on privacy. You can trade without needing to provide personal information or complete KYC (Know Your Customer) verification, allowing you to maintain your anonymity while accessing a wide range of cryptocurrencies.

LetsExchange offers two types of rates for transactions: Fixed Rate and Floating Rate. The Fixed Rate option locks in the price at the moment you initiate the trade, protecting you from market fluctuations for a set period. The Floating Rate, on the other hand, reflects the current market price, which can change during the transaction process.

Absolutely! LetsExchange supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, including both popular and lesser-known cryptocurrencies. This extensive selection makes it easy to diversify your portfolio and explore new investment opportunities.

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