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Magic Shoes

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Magic Shoes
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About Magic Shoes

Magic Shoes is built on this social and technological background with the aim of reducing global environmental pollution by encouraging people to incorporate essential activities such as walking, running, or cycling into their daily lives. It brings the concept of earning money while freely participating and moving. Moreover, Magic Shoes is a unique NFT project on the Polygon network, allowing peo

Magic Shoes Suggestions by Real Users

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Аналог степн
18 Aug 2023

Мне нравиться игра степн, прикольно, что ты можешь ходить и зарабатывать, но к сожалению она скатилась. Думаю здесь всё ошибки были учтены и игру сделают крутой и востребованной. Верю в проект и надеюсь будет только лучше чем степн.Read More ››

Iam_p_r_p avatarIam_p_r_p2860.00
Add players challenge
18 Aug 2023

It'll look cool if players can challenge each other in duels or even team up to challenge another set of team , It won't just be fun it'll be exciting and relaxing too. Please consider this aspects 🙏Read More ››

Web3 Techguy avatarWeb3 Techguy4770.00

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