Social3 Review by Abyss0000

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About project.
06 Oct 2023
Social3 IconValidated


Social3 is a Web3 social hiring platform

"Social3" is introduced as the first-ever Web3-based social hiring platform, aiming to revolutionize the way web3 professionals connect and find opportunities. The description highlights several key features and unique aspects of Social3: Decentralized LinkedIn: Social3 positions itself as a decentralized alternative to LinkedIn, specifically designed for web3 professionals. This suggests a platform that leverages blockchain technology and decentralization principles for networking and hiring. Engagement Layer: The platform incorporates a feed that serves as an engagement layer for web3 interviews, company reviews, and salary information. This feed likely enables users to stay informed about industry trends, job opportunities, and company insights. Refer-&-Earn Model: Social3 introduces a refer-and-earn model for talent. This implies that users can refer potential candidates for job openings and earn rewards or incentives for successful referrals, encouraging community-driven talent acquisition. Social Proof-of-Work: The mention of "social Proof-of-Work" suggests that Social3 may track and showcase users' professional achievements and contributions within the web3 space. This can help users build credibility and establish themselves within the industry. For potential enhancements, consider providing more specific details about how the decentralized aspect of Social3 works, ensuring user data privacy and security, and explaining how the refer-and-earn model is implemented. Additionally, offering insights into how users can join and utilize Social3 to advance their web3 careers would be beneficial. Overall, the description effectively introduces "Social3" as an innovative Web3-based social hiring platform, offering a decentralized alternative to LinkedIn for web3 professionals. The inclusion of an engagement layer and the refer-and-earn model add unique dimensions to the platform's functionality, making it an appealing choice for those seeking career opportunities in the web3 space.

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