Sleek Wallet Review by Carlos85

Carlos Manuel Cabrera avatar


Carlos Manuel Cabrera

Review Sleek Wallet
15 Sep 2023
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Sleek Wallet


A self-custodial ERC4337 Omnichain wallet.

I find this an interesting option for those looking for a self-custodial and versatile cryptocurrency wallet. What I like the most is its support for multiple blockchains through the ERC4337 standard, making it easy to manage different digital assets on a single platform. Furthermore, I like that its design is intuitive and easy to understand, which is essential for all types of users. However, I would like to see it expand its offering of security and privacy features. Although it is self-custodial, I believe it is always essential to have additional security measures, such as two-factor authentication, to optimally protect funds. I would also like to have more transparency regarding the company behind the wallet and its development team. It strikes me as a promising option in the cryptocurrency wallet space, with a focus on versatility and ease of use. However, some improvements in security and transparency could make this wallet even more attractive to me.