Arcane Merge Review by Frigg

Frigg avatar



Arena Master can't drag you down
09 Dec 2023
Arcane Merge IconValidated
Arcane Merge


Arcane Merge, a multiplayer puzzle game!

I can honestly say that I played only 10 games to complete the corresponding Hot Offer and didn’t enter again, plus I’ve now done a little research on the information in their official sources. “Match 3” games have been a “time killer” for a huge number of people of different ages for several decades. Therefore, I would be only glad if some cool game of this genre appeared that you could get your parents or other people unfamiliar with web3 and cryptocurrencies hooked on. However, Arena Master is definitely not that game. As far as I understand, you can only earn money here by getting into the TOP of the Grand Tournament, which most people won’t bother with. Secondly, the gameplay itself is quite primitive. There was a P2E game called Pagan Gods - the gameplay there was ten times better and more skill-oriented, and with the possibility of daily earnings, but even that died. Therefore, I simply do not believe that a competitor that is much worse in all respects will be able to show better results.

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