THORSwap Review by Frigg

Frigg avatar



ThorSwap - Odin would be proud.
04 Oct 2023
THORSwap IconValidated


World's First Cross-Chain DEX Aggregator

Let's imagine that you want to exchange $ETH for $BTC on a DEX. What can you do? Typically this is an swap of $ETH to $WBTC. $WBTC is a token on the Ethereum network that is backed by real $BTC. Real $BTC is locked in the storage of the company that issues $WBTC. If something goes wrong with this storage, then your $WBTC will be at risk. Thanks to ThorSwap we can exchange native blockchain coins for each other in one click. That is, when making an swap through ThorSwap, we connect a Bitcoin and Ethereum wallet, and exchange native/real $ETH immediately for real/native $BTC. I think that ThorChain is the project that is definitely moving the crypto industry forward. And Trust Wallet seems to agree with me, as they have integrated ThorChain into their wallet!

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