PowerPool Review by Jayeabdu

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Ethio airdrop

19 Jan 2024
PowerPool IconUpcoming


Automatic transaction execution network

PowerPool is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that is focused on developing a network called PowerAgent Keepers. The main objective of PowerPool is to create a decentralized and autonomous network that guarantees transaction execution and off-chain computations. This network aims to provide a reliable and decentralized on-chain automation solution for various web3 protocols, decentralized applications (dApps), and individuals PowerAgent Keepers Network The PowerAgent Keepers network is a key component of PowerPool's infrastructure. It is designed to enable guaranteed transaction execution and off-chain computations. This network relies on a decentralized and autonomous system of keepers that work together to execute transactions and perform off-chain computations. Decentralized and Reliable On-chain Automation Solution PowerPool's main goal is to provide a truly decentralized and reliable on-chain automation solution. By leveraging the PowerAgent Keepers network, PowerPool aims to offer a robust and secure infrastructure for automating transactions and computations on the blockchain. This solution can benefit various web3 protocols, dApps, and individuals by providing them with a trustworthy and decentralized mechanism for executing transactions and performing off-chain computations.