ScoreDetect Review by Jayeabdu

Jayeabdu avatar



Ethio airdrop

19 Jan 2024
ScoreDetect IconValidated


File and Text Timestamping Platform

Data Provenance: ScoreDetect offers a reliable method for tracing the history and place of origin of data. By guaranteeing that information can be tracked back to its original source, it promotes accountability and openness. Authenticity Verification: Authorities and systems can independently confirm the authenticity of data with ScoreDetect. This maintains the integrity of the data and aids in the prevention of data tampering. Layer of Permanence: ScoreDetect serves as a layer of permanence, guaranteeing that data is preserved throughout time. Distributed ledger technology and sophisticated cryptography techniques are used to accomplish this. Decentralized design: ScoreDetect uses blockchain technology to disperse data among several nodes, utilizing a decentralized design. By doing this, the dependence on a single point of failure is removed and security and resilience are increased. Interoperability: ScoreDetect is made to work with other

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