ZeroSwap Review by querzy

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22 Dec 2023
ZeroSwap IconValidated


DEX Meta-Aggregator

**What is ZeroSwap?** ZeroSwap is a multi-chain protocol that offers zero-fee and gasless transactions, DEX aggregation, liquidity mining, and IDO platform. - **What are the features of ZeroSwap?** ZeroSwap has several features, such as: - **Decentralized and permissionless token swaps** across multiple chains, such as Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, and Elrond. - **Frictionless transactions** using meta transactions, which are subsidized by the ZEE token minting mechanism². - **DEX aggregation** that allows users to access the best prices and liquidity from various DEXes. - **ZeeDO**, an initial dex offering platform that enables users to participate in vetted and transparent token sales. - **Liquidity incentives** that reward users for providing liquidity and trading on ZeroSwap with ZEE tokens. - **What are the benefits of ZeroSwap?** ZeroSwap aims to provide a user-friendly and cost-effective way to trade and invest in crypto assets. Some of the benefits are: - **Saving on fees and gas costs** by eliminating them from the transactions. - **Accessing multiple chains** with one interface and one wallet - **Getting the best deals** from various DEXes with one click. - **Supporting new projects** and earning rewards by participating in IDOs. - **Earning passive income** by staking and farming ZEE tokens.

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