Vite App Review by sahapolskiy

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Vite - Zero Gas Layer-1 Service mobile 2
16 Jan 2023
Vite App IconValidated
Vite App


Open-Sourced, Decentralized

Vite - Zero Gas Layer-1 Service mobile 2-in-1 add-on for the purpose of Vite Wallet as well as ViteX scattered exchange, created by Vite Labs. - Vite Wallet Formation / resumption of account journal along with mnemonic support Holds lists of contacts, options, reimbursement requirements, export of mnemonic texts as well as almost anything else Holds SBP (Snapshot Block Producer) votes Holds ViteConnect for the purpose of simple Web-to-App QR code connection - ViteX DEX Holds all tradable ViteX tokens, such as VITE / VX / BNB / BEP20 tokens / ETH / ERC20 tokens without exception Translated with (free version)

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